Added Time: Our Monthly College Search Newsletter

July Update:  Let’s Talk About Collaboration!

After a month on of conferences and in person events with college administrators, admissions professionals, independent consultants, students and families, it seems critical to talk about how College Athletic Advisor collaborates with YOU and what collaboration actually is. To be clear, collaboration is when experts, students and the people who care about students come together to help students get their best possible chance at their future. The key is that collaboration is mutually beneficial, we all build value by working together!

Today we’re talking about REAL collaboration that can help quality independent consultants elevate their practice and enhance their value for their students. The first principle here at College Athletic Advisor is that we NEVER put an advisor’s financial interest in opposition to a student’s success. To that end, we are an incredible value, charged directly to your clients. If you are worried that you already charged a family for a comprehensive plan, sports is always an “extra.” That family is often already thinking about hiring some online scam organization and not even telling you about it. The real question is do you want to collaborate to support students, saving your clients money and time while ensuring that the student’s college search and their recruiting process move forward in alignment?

One obvious benefit to collaborating comes when a student finds a mutual fit with an athletic program and commits. At that point their application process becomes streamlined. They still need you to help them in planning majors, writing essays, and all the other pieces that you do – but ultimately, they may only be applying to one college where they are already being told they are “likely” to be admitted. But this is not the only way collaborating with College Athletic Advisor benefits your practice and your students!

The athletic recruiting process helps EVERYONE. Even if the student doesn’t end up competing in college, getting direct feedback about their “fit” at various institutions is incredibly valuable and takes a lot of the guesswork out of the admissions process! At College Athletic Advisor we facilitate direct communication between prospective student-athletes and college coaches at a level that simply is unmatched. This largely ends the “tug of war” with families when there is a mismatch between the client’s aspirations and their student’s admissions prospects. How critical is it to get admissions feedback BEFORE going through the formal, extensive process?

We are also 100% transparent, in serving students. The student’s advisors (with permission) have full access to private “behind the scenes” consults to make sure we are collaborating effectively. You also have full access to your student’s recruiting toolkit. You can make sure what the student is send is out to college coaches is consistent with your practice and your knowledge of the student!

College Athletic Advisor is also committed to serving students pro bono. It is 50% of our practice and part of that service is being available to chat with college or school counselors who have questions or want additional information to help them serve students! Zoom appointments for counselors are always available at no cost on request!

As always, if you are looking for the individualized or institutional consulting help that puts you ahead of your peers, check out our services here! You can make an initial appointment through the link on our homepage! School administrators and counselors access our free resources, appointments and programs for school collaboration here.

For more information, contact Dave Morris, College Counselor & CEO, College Athletic Advisor, [email protected] or phone: (719) 248-7994

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The Ultimate Toolkit

online course guides you to create the keys to a successful college search!

You'll get

  • an academic/athletic resume
  • impactful highlight video & a video channel that allows coaches to evaluate you in depth
  • an introductory email that gets opened and gives you the opportunity to connect with college coaches

Download Our Recruiting Resources Page Here

Recruiting Resources Flyer

I would like deeper insights into all this... can we talk?

Of course!! Schedule an initial consult, email; or call (719) 248-7994 and let's discuss how we can collaborate!